Induktor va induktor o'rtasidagi farq nima? TUZALIB KETMOQ

What is the difference between an inductor and an inductor?Let's follow the endüktans fabrikasini :

Induktivlik spirali

Spiral bir-biridan izolyatsiya qilingan dumaloq va dumaloq izolyatsiya trubkasidan iborat bo'lib, izolyatsiya trubkasi ichi bo'sh bo'lishi yoki temir yadro yoki magnit chang yadrosi bo'lishi mumkin.

Inductance coils are devices that work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.When an electric current flows through a wire, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wire, and the wire itself is induced to the wire in the electromagnetic field.The effect on the wire itself, which produces the electromagnetic field, is called "self-induction", that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself produces a changing magnetic field, which further affects the current in the wire;The effect on other wires in this electromagnetic field range is called mutual inductance.

The electrical properties of an inductor coil are the opposite of those of a capacitor, "switching low frequencies and blocking high frequencies".High frequency signal will encounter great resistance when passing through the inductance coil, and it is difficult to pass.The resistance to the low-frequency signal passing through it is relatively small, that is, the low-frequency signal can pass through it easily.The resistance of an inductor to direct current is almost zero.

Resistance, capacitance, and inductance all exhibit resistance to the flow of electrical signals in a circuit. This resistance is called "impedance".The impedance of an inductor to a current signal utilizes the coil's self-induction.Inductance coils are sometimes referred to simply as "inductance" or "coil", denoted by the letter "L".When winding an inductor coil, the number of turns of the coil wound is commonly referred to as the number of turns of the coil.

Umumiy rejimni siqish filtri


Induktorlar - bu elektr energiyasini magnit energiyaga aylantirish orqali saqlanishi mumkin bo'lgan tarkibiy qismlar, induktor transformatorga o'xshaydi, lekin faqat bitta o'rashga ega, induktorda faqat oqim o'zgarishiga to'sqinlik qiladigan ma'lum bir induktivlik mavjud. oqim o'tkazmaydigan holat, u zanjir yopilganda oqim oqimining oldini olishga harakat qiladi; agar induktor oqim holatida bo'lsa, u o'chirilganda oqim doimiyligini ushlab turishga harakat qiladi. , reaktor, dinamik reaktor.

Magnit yadroni o'tkazuvchan material bilan, odatda mis sim bilan o'rash yoki yadroni olib tashlash yoki uni ferromagnit material bilan almashtirish orqali indüktans qilish mumkin, havo o'tkazuvchanligi yuqori bo'lgan yadro material magnit maydonni magnit maydonini yanada qattiqroq cheklab qo'yishi mumkin. indüktans elementi, shuning uchun indüktansni oshiradi.Bu erda induktorlarning ko'p turlari mavjud, ularning aksariyati ferrit shpindelga o'ralgan emalli burmalar bilan qoplangan, ba'zi himoya induktorlari sariqlarni to'liq ferrit ichiga joylashtiradi, ba'zi induktorlarning yadrolari sozlanishi mumkin. Kichik induktorlar spiral yo'llarni yotqizish usuli yordamida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tenglikka ulanishi mumkin, kichik qiymatli induktorlar tranzistorlar bilan bir xil jarayonda integral mikrosxemalarda ham amalga oshirilishi mumkin.Bu dasturlarda alyuminiy o'zaro bog'liqlik Qanday bo'lmasin, haqiqiy foydalanishga asoslangan eng keng tarqalgan cheklov rotator deb ataladigan, bu kondansatör va induktor bilan bir xil xususiyatlarni namoyish etadigan ctive komponenti .. Yuqori chastotalarni ajratish uchun ishlatiladigan induktorlar ko'pincha magnit ustun yoki boncukdan o'tuvchi simdan iborat.

SMD kalıplama Quvvat induktori -SGT

Induktiv spirali induktordan farq qiladi

Induktor lasan induktorning muhim qismidir, chunki induktor odatda skelet, sariq (lasan), qalqon, qadoqlash materiallari, magnit yadro yoki yadro va boshqalardan iborat.

Induktorlar - bu elektr energiyasini magnit energiyaga aylantirish orqali saqlanishi mumkin bo'lgan tarkibiy qismlar, induktor transformatorga o'xshaydi, lekin faqat bitta o'rashga ega, induktorda faqat oqim o'zgarishiga to'sqinlik qiladigan ma'lum bir induktivlik mavjud. oqim o'tkazmaydigan holat, u zanjir yopilganda oqim oqimining oldini olishga harakat qiladi; agar induktor oqim holatida bo'lsa, u o'chirilganda oqim doimiyligini ushlab turishga harakat qiladi. , reaktor, dinamik reaktor.

Inductance coils are devices that work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.When an electric current flows through a wire, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wire, and the wire itself is induced to the wire in the electromagnetic field.The effect on the wire itself, which produces the electromagnetic field, is called "self-induction", that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself produces a changing magnetic field, which further affects the current in the wire;The effect on other wires in this electromagnetic field range.

lamel induktor 1mh RLP0913W3R-6.5MH-E

Yuqorida keltirilgan indüktans bobini va indüktans nimani ajratishi kerak; Biz professional induktor ishlab chiqaruvchisiz , bilamiz: eksensel indüktör, radial indüktör....

Xabar vaqti: 16-2020 dekabr