Je! Ni tofauti gani kati ya inductor na inductor | SALAMA

What is the difference between an inductor and an inductor?Let's follow the kiwanda cha inductance kuelewa:

Coil ya inductance

Coil hiyo ina jeraha la waya pande zote na pande zote bomba la kuhami ambalo limetengwa kutoka kwa kila mmoja, na bomba la kuhami linaweza kuwa mashimo, au linaweza kuwa na msingi wa chuma au msingi wa unga wa sumaku.

Inductance coils are devices that work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.When an electric current flows through a wire, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wire, and the wire itself is induced to the wire in the electromagnetic field.The effect on the wire itself, which produces the electromagnetic field, is called "self-induction", that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself produces a changing magnetic field, which further affects the current in the wire;The effect on other wires in this electromagnetic field range is called mutual inductance.

The electrical properties of an inductor coil are the opposite of those of a capacitor, "switching low frequencies and blocking high frequencies".High frequency signal will encounter great resistance when passing through the inductance coil, and it is difficult to pass.The resistance to the low-frequency signal passing through it is relatively small, that is, the low-frequency signal can pass through it easily.The resistance of an inductor to direct current is almost zero.

Resistance, capacitance, and inductance all exhibit resistance to the flow of electrical signals in a circuit. This resistance is called "impedance".The impedance of an inductor to a current signal utilizes the coil's self-induction.Inductance coils are sometimes referred to simply as "inductance" or "coil", denoted by the letter "L".When winding an inductor coil, the number of turns of the coil wound is commonly referred to as the number of turns of the coil.

Kichungi cha kawaida cha kusonga


Inductors ni vifaa ambavyo vinaweza kuhifadhiwa kwa kubadilisha nishati ya umeme kuwa nguvu ya sumaku. Inductor ni sawa na muundo wa transformer lakini ina upepo mmoja tu. Inductor ina inductance fulani ambayo inazuia tu mabadiliko ya sasa. Ikiwa inductor iko kwenye hali ya kupita kwa sasa, itajaribu kuzuia sasa kutoka kwa hiyo wakati mzunguko umefungwa; Ikiwa inductor iko katika hali ya sasa, itajaribu kushikilia msimamo wa sasa wakati mzunguko umekatika. Inductor pia huitwa husonga , Reactor, nguvu ya nguvu.

Uingilivu unaweza kufanywa kwa kuzungusha msingi wa sumaku na nyenzo inayoweza kusonga, kawaida waya wa shaba, au kwa kuondoa msingi au kuibadilisha na nyenzo ya ferromagnetic. Nyenzo msingi yenye upenyezaji mkubwa kuliko hewa inaweza kubana uwanja wa sumaku kwa ukali karibu na inductor element, na hivyo kuongeza inductance.Kuna aina nyingi za inductors, nyingi ambazo zimefunikwa na coil zenye enamelled zilizofungwa karibu na spindia za ferrite, wakati inductors zingine za kinga huweka coils kabisa ndani ya ferrite. Cores za inductors zingine zinaweza kubadilishwa. inductance inaweza kubadilishwa. inductors ndogo inaweza kuwa etched moja kwa moja kwenye PCB, kwa kutumia njia ya kuweka nje ond tracks. inductors ndogo-thamani pia inaweza kufanywa katika nyaya jumuishi katika mchakato sawa na transistors.Katika maombi haya, uhusiano wa alumini ni Njia yoyote, kikwazo cha kawaida kulingana na matumizi halisi ni mzunguko unaoitwa rotator, ambao hutumia capacitor na a Vipengele vinavyotumiwa kwa kutengwa kwa masafa ya juu mara nyingi hujumuishwa na waya inayopita kwenye safu ya sumaku au bead.

Nguvu ya Ukingo wa Nguvu ya SMD -SGT

Coil ya inductance inatofautiana na inductor

Coil ya inductor ni sehemu muhimu katika inductor.Kwa sababu inductor kwa ujumla inajumuisha mifupa, vilima (coil), ngao, vifaa vya ufungaji, msingi wa sumaku au msingi, n.k.

Inductors ni vifaa ambavyo vinaweza kuhifadhiwa kwa kubadilisha nishati ya umeme kuwa nguvu ya sumaku. Inductor ni sawa na muundo wa transformer lakini ina upepo mmoja tu. Inductor ina inductance fulani ambayo inazuia tu mabadiliko ya sasa. Ikiwa inductor iko kwenye hali ya kupita kwa sasa, itajaribu kuzuia sasa kutoka kwa hiyo wakati mzunguko umefungwa; Ikiwa inductor iko katika hali ya sasa, itajaribu kushikilia msimamo wa sasa wakati mzunguko umekatika. Inductor pia huitwa husonga , Reactor, nguvu ya nguvu.

Inductance coils are devices that work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.When an electric current flows through a wire, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wire, and the wire itself is induced to the wire in the electromagnetic field.The effect on the wire itself, which produces the electromagnetic field, is called "self-induction", that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself produces a changing magnetic field, which further affects the current in the wire;The effect on other wires in this electromagnetic field range.

inductor ya radial 1mh RLP0913W3R-6.5MH-E

Ya hapo juu ni coil ya inductance na inductance ina tofauti gani ya kuanzisha, Sisi ni watengenezaji wa unaipenda , tunakaribishwa kujua yetu: Inductor axial, inductor radial ....

Wakati wa kutuma: Des-16-2020