Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati peye inductor uye inductor | SIMBA

What is the difference between an inductor and an inductor?Let's follow the inductance fekitori kuti unzwisise:

Inductance coil

Iyo coil ine tambo yeronda kutenderedza uye kutenderedza inovhara chubhu iyo yakavharirwa kubva kune mumwe nemumwe, uye iyo inoputira chubhu inogona kunge isina mhango, kana inogona kunge iine simbi simbi kana yemagineti poda pombi.

Inductance coils are devices that work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.When an electric current flows through a wire, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wire, and the wire itself is induced to the wire in the electromagnetic field.The effect on the wire itself, which produces the electromagnetic field, is called "self-induction", that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself produces a changing magnetic field, which further affects the current in the wire;The effect on other wires in this electromagnetic field range is called mutual inductance.

The electrical properties of an inductor coil are the opposite of those of a capacitor, "switching low frequencies and blocking high frequencies".High frequency signal will encounter great resistance when passing through the inductance coil, and it is difficult to pass.The resistance to the low-frequency signal passing through it is relatively small, that is, the low-frequency signal can pass through it easily.The resistance of an inductor to direct current is almost zero.

Resistance, capacitance, and inductance all exhibit resistance to the flow of electrical signals in a circuit. This resistance is called "impedance".The impedance of an inductor to a current signal utilizes the coil's self-induction.Inductance coils are sometimes referred to simply as "inductance" or "coil", denoted by the letter "L".When winding an inductor coil, the number of turns of the coil wound is commonly referred to as the number of turns of the coil.


Zvakajairika modhi kudzipwa firita


Inductors zvinhu zvinokwanisa kuchengetwa nekushandura simba remagetsi kuita rinobva simba .Iye inductor yakafanana muchimiro kune transformer asi inongova nemhepo imwe chete.Iye inductor ine imwe inductance inongokanganisa shanduko mune yazvino.Kana iyo inductor iri mune mamiriro ekushayikwa kwazvino, ichaedza kudzivirira yazvino kuti isayerere kuburikidza nayo kana dunhu rakavharwa; Kana iyo inductor iri mune yazvino mamiriro, ichaedza kubata iyo yazvino kugara kana dunhu radzimika. , reactor, ine simba inogadziriswa.

Iyo inductance inogona kuitwa nekumonera iyo magnetic musimboti ine inoitisa zvinhu, kazhinji waya yemhangura, kana nekubvisa iyo yepakati kana kuitsiva neye ferromagnetic zvinhu.Iyo yepakati zvinhu ine yakakwira kubvumidzwa kupfuura mweya inogona kumanikidza iyo magnetic munda zvakanyanya kusimba kutenderedza iyo inductor element, nokudaro ichiwedzera iyo inductance Kune akawanda marudzi eanopinza, mazhinji acho akaputirwa nemakungwa enamelled akaputirwa akatenderedza ferrite spindles, nepo mamwe ekudzivirira inductors anoisa iwo ma coils zvachose mukati me ferrite. inductance inogona kushandurwa.Small inductors inogona kuiswa yakananga paPCB, uchishandisa nzira yekuisa nzira dzekutenderera.Small-value inductors inogona zvakare kugadzirwa mune akabatanidzwa macircuit muhumwe maitiro nema transistors.Muaya mafomu, aluminium inopindirana ari Chero nzira, chipingaidzo chinowanzoenderana nebasa chairo idunhu rinodaidzwa kuti rotator, iro rinoshandisa capacitor ne ctive chinhu chekuratidzira iwo akafanana maitiro seye inductor.Inductors anoshandiswa pakuzviparadzanisa akakwirira maficha anowanzo kuve akagadzirwa netambo inopfuura kuburikidza nemagineti yekoramu kana bead.


SMD Kuumbwa Simba Inductor -SGT

Iyo inductance coil inosiyana neiyo inductor

Iyo inductor coil chikamu chakakosha muiyo inductor, Nekuti iyo inductor inowanzo kuve inoumbwa nesaga, ichitenderera (coil), nhovo, yekupakira zvinhu, magnetic musimboti kana musimboti, nezvimwe.

Inductors zvinhu zvinokwanisa kuchengetwa nekushandura simba remagetsi kuita rinobva simba .Iye inductor yakafanana muchimiro kune transformer asi inongova nemhepo imwe chete.Iye inductor ine imwe inductance inongokanganisa shanduko mune yazvino.Kana iyo inductor iri mune mamiriro ekushayikwa kwazvino, ichaedza kudzivirira yazvino kuti isayerere kuburikidza nayo kana dunhu rakavharwa; Kana iyo inductor iri mune yazvino mamiriro, ichaedza kubata iyo yazvino kugara kana dunhu radzimika. , reactor, ine simba inogadziriswa.

Inductance coils are devices that work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.When an electric current flows through a wire, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wire, and the wire itself is induced to the wire in the electromagnetic field.The effect on the wire itself, which produces the electromagnetic field, is called "self-induction", that is, the changing current generated by the wire itself produces a changing magnetic field, which further affects the current in the wire;The effect on other wires in this electromagnetic field range.


TOUR inductor 1mh RLP0913W3R-6.5MH-E

Izvo pamusoro inductance coil uye inductance zvine musiyano wekupinza; Tiri nyanzvi mugadziri we inductor , tinogamuchirwa kuziva yedu: axial inductor , TOUR inductor....

Post nguva: Dec-16-2020