Apa bedane lan prinsip comode nduwurke tumpukan induktor | GETWELL

Ing mode inductance umum has the same winding direction, and the magnetic flux of common mode current parameter cancels with each other. Therefore, magnetic materials with high permeability can be used to realize small volume and large sensitivity without saturation.The interference between two power lines on the ground is called common-mode interference. Then, there is no common-mode inductor manufacturer's ground wire on my power supply. How does this common-mode inductor work?The so-called common-mode current is the current flowing into or out of the LN line at the same time. The artificial LISN network is used when testing the conduction.


Gulung induktor modus umum yaiku nomer puteran loro gulung-gulung fase sing padha ing inti magnetik sing padha, arus sing diprodhuksi dening medan magnet mbalikke saling nutup, saengga ora bakal ngasilake jenuh, ujar apa sing sampeyan lakoni ora ngerti arah sing nduwurke tumpukan jarene, yen ana ing sakiwa tengene, mula induktor mode biasa nduwurke tumpukan kasebut berlawanan karo arah sistem pabrik, jarum jam lan jarum jam, yen beda ing pinggir, yaiku jam, dadi masalah iki minangka bedane sethithik, delengen apa sing sampeyan maksudake, nanging njamin fase sing padha, kanthi jumlah puteran.

Induktor sing nduwurke tumpukan minangka produk miniaturisasi saka induktor gulungan tradisional, lan induktor susun digawe dening teknologi cetak multi-lapisan lan teknologi produksi tumpukan, lan volume luwih cilik tinimbang induktor chip sing nduwurke tumpukan.


Induktansi berliku : ditondoi kanthi macem-macem induktansi (mH ~ H), presisi induktansi sing dhuwur, kerugian cilik (yaiku, nilai Q gedhe), arus sing diidini gedhe, warisan proses produksi sing kuwat, biaya sing murah lan murah; Kakurangane yaiku miniaturisasi luwih suwe diwatesi. Induktor chip memori kanthi inti keramik duwe papan ing sirkuit frekuensi dhuwur amarga bisa njaga induktansi stabil ing frekuensi dhuwur lan nilai Q sing cukup dhuwur.

Wektu kiriman: Sep-30-2020