Uyini umehluko nomgomo wokuqondiswa kwe-comode emazombezombe we-inductor | ULULAME

I- inductance ejwayelekile yemodi inesiqondisi has the same winding direction, and the magnetic flux of common mode current parameter cancels with each other. Therefore, magnetic materials with high permeability can be used to realize small volume and large sensitivity without saturation.The interference between two power lines on the ground is called common-mode interference. Then, there is no common-mode inductor manufacturer's ground wire on my power supply. How does this common-mode inductor work?The so-called common-mode current is the current flowing into or out of the LN line at the same time. The artificial LISN network is used when testing the conduction.

Imodi ejwayelekile ye-inductor emazombezombe inani lamathanga amabili afanayo amatshe ashubile kumgogodla ofanayo kazibuthe, okwamanje okukhiqizwa yinsimu eguquguqukayo kazibuthe, ngakho-ke ngeke kuholele ekugcwalisweni, yisho ukuthi ubona ini ukuzokwenzani Angazi noma ngabe inkombandlela ejiywayo eshiwo, uma iseduze nohlangothi olulodwa, khona-ke ama-inductor amabili ajwayelekile ajwayelekile aqonde ohlangothini lwefekthri, ngokwewashi nangokuphikisana newashi, uma yehlukile emaphethelweni, okungukuthi ihambisana newashi, ngakho-ke le nkinga ingukungafani okuncane, bona ukuthi usho ukuthini, kepha-ke, qinisekisa isigaba esifanayo, ngenani lamathuba.

I-inductor egoqayo ingumkhiqizo we-miniaturization we-inductor yendabuko eguqulwayo, kanti i-inductor yokubeka isitaki yenziwa ngobuchwepheshe bokuphrinta obuningi bezingcweti kanye nobuchwepheshe bokukhiqiza obubekiwe, futhi ivolumu incane kune-inductor ejija i-chip.

Ukungeniswa kwe-Winding : kubonakala ngezinhlobonhlobo ze-inductance (mH ~ H), ukucacisa okuphezulu kwe-inductance, ukulahleka okuncane (okungukuthi, inani elikhulu le-Q), okwamanje okukhulu okuvumelekile, inqubo enamandla yokukhiqiza ifa, izindleko ezilula, eziphansi; Okubi ukuthi Ukuqhubeka kwe-miniaturization kukhawulelwe.I-induction chip inductors enezinsimbi ze-ceramic inendawo kumasekethe amaza aphezulu ngoba angakwazi ukugcina ukwehla okuzinzile kuzimvamisa eziphakeme kangaka kanye nenani eliphakeme kakhulu le-Q.

Isikhathi Iposi: Sep-30-2020