47uH inductor ALP 512 | GETWELL

Keterangan Singkat:

47uH inductor Feature & Karakteristik:

◆ ngemot ferrite dhuwur-frekuensi

◆ saiki rated rélatif gedhé

  • Potongan: US $ 0,01 - 9,9 / Piece
  • Kuantitas Min.Order: 100 Potongan /
  • Sumber Kabisan: 1000000 Piece / Pieces saben Wulan
  • Detail produk

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    Our inductor has accurate dimension, durability, shows high performance and is easy to use. In order to meet the expectation of the patrons, Our inductor is also available in different shapes and sizes.

    47uH Inductor Feature & Characteristic:

    ◆ ngemot ferrite dhuwur-frekuensi

    ◆ saiki rated rélatif gedhé

    Sumbu inductor Migunakake

    ◆ Penyetor Power, DC-DC ngowahi

    ◆ TV VTRs komputer

    ◆ peripherals compters

    ◆ telpon air-kahanan

    ◆ perabot elektrik ngarep

    ◆ Toys elektronik lan game


    pertanyaan sing liyane jinis digunakake ndhuwur umum bisa ketemu ing requirement.

    Sumbu inductor Image

    2uh inductor aksial

    2uh inductor aksial

    2.5mh sumbu inductor

    2.5mh sumbu inductor

    Guess, sampeyan bakal kasengsem ing iki

    Inductor sumbu ALP 0515

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